SWINDON - The Abbey Stadium
Home of the Swindon Robins since 1949
Courtesy of Ian Presslie
Click on the picture for a larger view
Courtesy of Richard Hollingsworth
Courtesy of www.swindon-speedway.co.uk
This article was first published on 31st May 2005

Ray Chivers:"What a awful shame that this track will be no more at the end of this season (2015) and a new much smaller track replacing it. Why not keep the track where it was and build new stands if they were in a bad way. As for the houses being built all around the stadium anyway, why does it matter where it is. No because they can fit in more houses. So many memories Since 1967. "
Brian Keil:"I can see noise problems here as unless you are a speedway fan would you want to live next door to a speedway track? It doesnt matter that the stadium has been there years, one only has to look at the Mildenhall situation."
Simon Colven:"Will be a very sad day when this place is pulled down. Many happy memories as both man and boy. Still got the programme with my name in when I made my debut on the radio mic in 1995! "
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