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The Story Behind the Story
By Bill Elliot

The story you've just read, about one of New Zealand's finest riders, in our not so humble opinions, came about as a result of two regular readers of Speedwayplus realising they had a common affinity with the Kiwi in question. Each had seen a sizeable chunk of Fully's career on opposite sides of the world without the two pieces ever overlapping, so it seemed a natural enough idea to put the two segments together and maybe make a whole which you, as the reader, will hopefully have found a little more interesting than maybe only reading about his career in his native New Zealand, or about the half a dozen seasons or so he did in the UK.

The mere 12,000 miles or so which separated the two writers merely made the task more of a challenge to the collaboration which we now call BETH (Bill Elliot, Tracy Holmes)-you can bet that the article you've just read has clocked up more miles than Richard Branson, as it dotted between Scotland and New Zealand countless times via the electronic marvel that is email! Otherwise it would have taken an entire speedway season at either end of the globe to put this together!


This article was first published on 13th May 2010

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