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Dream Team : Gary Mitchell

I went to my first meeting at Cleveland Park in 1968 aged 11, Teesside "Teessiders" v Crayford Highwaymen, I was hooked. Throughout the mid 70s and early 80s I hardly missed a match home or away. Due to overseas work commitments I attended very few meetings between 85 and 96 but managed to get to the penultimate meeting at Cleveland Park. I do go to the new Redcar "BEARS" meetings but Cleveland Park will always be the home of Middlesbrough speedway. I hope you enjoy this selection.


Tom Leadbitter
Tom won the first race I ever saw beating Crayford's Geoff Ambrose at Cleveland Park, 100% all the time and a great captain. Fantasy speedway Tom v Ivan Mauger in a world final run off I wouldn't have known who to shout for.

Pete Reading
I think Pete rode about 15 consecutive seasons at Cleveland Park, he had his ups and downs and formed a great first heat partnership with Tom Leadbitter.

Steve Wilcock
So many memories of a superb performer, could pass riders anywhere.

Dave Durham
Imacculately turned out and he could ride a bike as well. I particularly remember a fantastic last heat decider he won against Alan Knapkin of Bradford, I lost count of the times they passed each other.

Martin Dixon
All action local lad. Mad dog never knew when he was beaten.

Frank Auffrett
Another local lad, always a bit wild, does anyone remember the races with Jack Millen?

Martyn Cusworth
Never going to be a world champ but a genuinely nice lad who always tried. My wife said I had to put this one in she "liked" him !!!!!!

Only one team manager Tony Coupland - has he mastered the tac sub rule yet?

Others that could easily have made this team Bruce Forrester, lightning starter and great captain. Roger Mills, Allan Brown, Terry Lee, Alan Emerson, Geoff Pusey, Gary Havelock, Nig Close, Malc Corradine, Roger Wright and does anyone remember Bob Watts?

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This article was first published on 3rd August 2006

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