Jawa Restoration
Former rider Dave Gifford has recently spent much of his spare time restoring the Jawa bike you see below.
He brought us up to date with the project:
This bike is a 1976 model 894 side port twin cam Jawa, it's not quite correct as I think these models had a fuel tank with a Jawa emblem stamped into the sides. I have a couple of the correct tanks and will rectify the error soon. I actually had two of these bikes right at the end of my career but can't remember a thing about them. I think they had fork gaiters too.
My near neighbor Joe Hicks, ex Glasgow Tigers, and I have a dozen or so bikes between us which we are gradually getting back close to the condition they were in when they left the Jawa factory, well at least that is the aim.
I would always be pleased to hear from anyone else anywhere in the world who is engaged in similar work as I am sure an exchange of parts and info would benefit all of us.
Contact me at giffords xtra.co.nz - who knows we might end up with an international network of Jawa restorers!!
This article was first published on 6th April 2007
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