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Garage Mahal III

Regular visitors will remember Steve Luxton's 'Garage Mahal' museum in Florida. His collection of bikes, bibs and helmets looks like a fantastic attraction for those lucky enough to be in The Sunshine State.

Ivan Blacka reports that the museum is on the move again, to hopefully it's final destination, an even bigger garage attached to Steve's new home.

Steve is currently spending his spare time getting the race place ready for visitors, but Ivan has managed to get these pictures so we can get a sneak preview.

Ivan's contribution to sport (and to the museum) is recognised in a new wall display dedicated to everyone's favourite Anglo-American.

We'll bring you more pictures when the job is complete.



This article was first published on 2nd December 2012


  • Ian Gill:

    "I've followed the development of this awesome museum over the months and would like to commend Steve on the great work that he has done. Any true speedway fan would love to have memorabilia along the lines of Steve's collection but it's a bit beyond most of us. Ivan has also done his bit by bringing the collection to our attention and I'm proud to say I class him as a mate! His remarkable enthusiasm for our favourite sport shows no sign of abating and he has been a great ambassador for the sport. Top marks to Steve and Ivan - keep the stories and photos coming."

  • Neil Middleditch:

    "Got to say I am very touched that Steve has used my picture on the banner out of all the riders he could have chosen to get picked really means a great deal. Hopefully I will be able to visit and thank Steve personally...even if he is an Exeter fan!!! "

  • Ann Jaege:

    "We're so proud of our talented and artistic son-in-law. This garage really is a "Mahal"....a treasure trove for Steve's Speedway friends....AND a super place to gather , admire, and talk! (P.S. Steve makes a pretty fantastic broccoli bouquet too!,, :-)"

  • Steve Luxton:

    "Wow! How great to be back in the best on-line magazine on the planet! Yes we were blessed to find a new home this summer and I've been working steadily at rebuilding the "Mahal" and having fun doing so! The new place will house my beloved Exeter Falcons in a "sports bar" style 1600 sq ft room connected to the Garage and frees up space to display more of the collection that is growing with the help from the wonderful speedway family I never knew I had! As always I extend a very warm welcome to any fans or riders that find themselves in Florida and want to stop by for a beer and a chat! Cobra!"

  • Maureen Schooling:

    "Fabulous work & dedication to the speedway museum here with Steve Luxton. A labor of love & what a amazing job he is doing too. Well done Steve. Hope everyone gets the chance to see it all one day. "

  • Bob Wilson:

    "Great to see the new "Garage Mahal" taking shape. Steve puts so much time and effort into it. It is rewarding to find some one so dedicated to the history of speedway!! Good luck with the new museum Steve and many thanks Ivan for the sneak preview !!"

  • Steve Luxton:

    "Thank you guys for the kind words, I can't wait to get things 100% again and post some more pictures! I'm working on a grand (re)opening party in march and plan on fetching Ivan down for the weekend to cut the ribbon! 2013 looks like it will be a busy year with visitors and all are welcome as always, even the Poole fans! Cobra!"

  • John McGoldrick:

    "I just read the article on Steve Luxton's Garage Mahal III, the excellent photos by Ivan Blacka show the interest and dedication both have to the sport of speedway, they deserve all our respect and thanks for such a super tribute to speedway and the "Falcons", which are Steve's Hero's. Great Article . "

  • John Nethercott:

    "It has been great seeing the photo's of The Garage Mahal III taking shape so soon over the winter, after version II was packed into boxes with the house move. We may not have had speedway in Exeter for the past 7 years, but The Former Exeter Aces Cycle Speedway no 1 beeeeyy is most certainly flying the Flag for the Falcons and Speedway in general on the other side of the pond-Keep it up Joey :)"

  • Martin Teraud:

    "Noooo...don't get Ivan to 'cut the ribbon', get him to 'break the tapes'!"

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