The Voice - 50th Edition
Friends of Speedway (a non-profit making organisation who are proud to sponsor the British Youth Championship - formerly the Under 15's) are pleased to announce the 50th edition of their magazine the Voice which is packed full of interest and enjoyment. This issue is a big 28 pages that will keep your interest for hours!
In this issue David Telfer gives his views on the Grand Prix season and the best Elite league meeting so far; Annette Maybach gives her thoughts on speedway in general; John Chaplin on speedway Gobbledygook: Bibliophiles Corner on the new Jim Chalkley life story; 'Slider' looks at speedway and where or not it is going; 'Slider' gives his view on the current state of speedway; Charles Mckay gives a long and involved view on the Re-admission confusion; Sue Towner reports on the British Youth Championship, save Wimbledon Stadium and the Ivor Thomas Memorial meeting; Richard Pacey on the Orpington Eagles Cycle Speedway team; Roy Delaney on the Skid Kids and his Memorable Moments plus much more reading matter.
Available from Friends of Speedway; 117 Church Lane, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2DP. Please send your cheque for £10 made out to the above for four issues of the Voice to Stuart Towner at the above address or ring 0208-397 6599 for more information.
This article was first published on 4th August 2013
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