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The VSRA Speedway Museum - Progress Update....by Alan Hodkinson....03/06/2005

With approximately 50 donors we have raised over £7000. Whilst the average donation cannot be expected to continue at this level, it does show the enthusiasm with which the members of the VSRA are receiving our project. With an amount of £18,000 guaranteed we are looking at over £26000 raised to date.

Wimbledon Speedway was the first track to hold a collection adding a substantial amount to the fund. Virtually all tracks have agreed to hold a collection for the fund, and we hope that supporters clubs will assist promoters to carry this out. Shane Parker of the Speedway Riders Association will work with us to enable current riders to donate to the fund if they so wish. We also have a large list of business concerns ready to contact as soon as our fund reaches a figure that will confirm to them that we in Speedway are really serious and this project is worth supporting.

It would be great if the museum venture could be featured in every clubs programme notes. Not just once and not only in the same column. Promoters notes, Captains comments, supporter's news etc. If we can just keep this in the public eye for this season there is little doubt that we could reach the required figure and start building. Programme contributors can contact us for any information or updates, so far Peter Oakes and Tony McDonald have given us excellent coverage and inspired many donors. Programmes reach even more folk than their publications.

We joined the Men In Black at Peterborough BMF on 21st & 22nd May, raising £135 in the raffle, first Prize having been donated by Paradise Wildlife Park, and collected further donations. A number of contacts in the motor cycling world brought further offers of assistance, and we in turn helped to promote the sport we all love, Speedway.

Don't forget our next show is at Beaulieu on 18th & 19th June and the unique event at London City Airport for their Fun day on July 16th - start time 12 noon. We are happy if any tracks have leaflets, and if we can promote Speedway in any way we are only too pleased to do so.

For any further information please contact George Barclay 020 8592 3361, or write to 41, Lodge Avenue, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2JD.

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This article was first published on 3rd June 2005

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